Gabriela Bossis "ON i ja" Dyskusja o książce "ON i ja"
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Dołączył: 15 Sty 2008
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Wysłany: Sob 15:21, 18 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: Kim była Gabriella Bossis ...? |
Na pewno cudowną kobietą...Nietuzinkową, myślę,ze wyróżniała się bardzo od wzoru naszych świętych, ale to nie znaczy ,ze nie była i oficjalnie nie może być świętą.
Była to kobieta piękna, zadbana,odważna,wszechstronnie uzdolniona,wesoła i pewnie trochę szalona. Uwielbiała się stroić,być zadbaną,docenianą i pewnie lubiła psocić i płatać niewinne figle. To nie znaczy,ze w środku swej duszy nie była skromna...Czy Pan Bóg również nie działa przez takie kobiety? Oj działa,działa...wybiera wszystkie bez wyjątku, byle tylko nie zamykały oczu i nie zatykały uszu ,gdy On mówi. ON i ja.
Tak sobie właśnie wyobrażam postać Gabrielli-czytając wcześniej jej życiorys-szkoda,ze tak mało szczegółów i wspomnień jest o naszej Gabrielli.
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Dołączył: 15 Sty 2008
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Wysłany: Sob 15:26, 18 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: |
Życiorys Gabrieli Bossis
Lata dziecięce.
Gabriela Bossis, autorka "Lui et moi" - "On i ja", przyszła na świat 26 II 1874 roku w Nantes, we Francji, jako ostatnia z czworga dzieci zamożnej mieszczańskiej rodziny. Mała, cicha dziewczynka zdaje się jak gdyby przestraszona życiem, lubi samotność, ucieka od hałaśliwych zabaw i zebrań. Już wówczas, we wczesnym dzieciństwie ma swoje ukryte życie wewnętrzne, z którego sama nie zdaje sobie sprawy i którego niczym nie zdradza.
Dorastająca panienka.
Oddana do szkoły klasztornej w Nantes odznacza się inteligencją i zdolnościami. W czerwcu 1886 roku przystępuje do I Komunii św., którą bardzo głęboko przeżywa.
W klasztorze bierze czynny udział w życiu szkolnym. Jest prezydentką Kongregacji św. Agnieszki, a następnie zostaje przyjęta do Sodalicji Mariańskiej.
Młoda panna.
Po ukończeniu przez nią nauk, przełożeni i spowiednik, bojąc się wpływu świata na duszę tak bogato wyposażoną, usiłują ją nakłonić do wstąpienia do klasztoru. Przez 4 lata Gabriela waha się, lecz w końcu opiera się namowom i wybiera zwyczajne życie w kole rodzinnym.
W tym czasie następuje w niej gruntowna przemiana. Z cichej, nieśmiałej dziewczyny rozkwita olśniewająca młoda panna, wysoka i smukła, o wspaniałych złoto-blond włosach, tryskająca życiem i wesołością. Nie jest pięknością klasyczną, lecz posiada coś więcej - tę rzecz nieuchwytną i czarującą, która zowie się wdziękiem. Uprawia sport, jazdę konną, tańczy, odbywa pieszo długie spacery, utrzymuje żywe i liczne stosunki towarzyskie. Można by powiedzieć, że zaprawia się do przyszłej swojej roli, która wymaga od niej nie lada sprawności i wytrzymałości fizycznej.
Ma świetną orientację, jest szybka w decyzji, w działaniu jest spontaniczna i niecierpliwa. Nie umie na nic czekać bezczynnie, może być istotą ilustrującą powiedzenie: nie ma chwili do stracenia. Bije od niej radość i zapał. W każdą sprawę do jakiej się weźmie, wnosi entuzjazm, który się wszystkim udziela. To jakby zapowiedź tego, czym potem zabłyśnie w latach swej kariery scenicznej (a grać będzie do końca życia).
Zjednoczona z Bogiem.
Nikt się nie domyśla, że jednocześnie rozwija się w niej głębokie życie wewnętrzne, które otacza czujną dyskrecją. Po śmierci matki i starszej siostry, pozbawiona życia rodzinnego, zapełnia samotność studiami i licznymi zajęciami.
Mieszka już to w Nantes, już to na wsi we Fresne w starym domu rodzinnym nad Loarą. Studiuje muzykę, maluje, nawet rzeźbi. Zajmuje się robotami ręcznymi. Prowadzi pracownię szat liturgicznych dla misji. Zdobywa dyplom pielęgniarki. Uprawia i pielęgnuje ogród w ukochanym Fresne. Gościnny jej dom jest przytułkiem dla rodziny i przyjaciół będących w potrzebie.
Obejście jej cechuje niezwykła uprzejmość i gościnność dla wszystkich, a czarujący uśmiech zniewala każdego. Czynnie wspomaga misje, w czasie wojny 1914-1918 przez 4 lata jest pielęgniarką zrazu w szpitalu, a potem na froncie pod Verdun.
Pod tak czynnym i ruchliwym życiem płynie ukryty nurt życia mistycznego, głęboka spójnia z Bogiem, która trwa od dzieciństwa, a która rozwijać się będzie nadal przez wszystkie lata, podczas których nic jej nie wyróżni spośród innych. Cnotę miłosierdzia i pokory ukrywa pod zasłoną wesołości i humoru. Wszystko co czyni, jest jakby samo przez się zrozumiałe. Nic na zewnątrz nie zdradza nieustannej pracy wewnętrznej, nieustannego dojrzewania do przyszłej roli. "Byłaś ściśle pod moim kierownictwem" - usłyszy kiedyś z Jego ust...
Autorka scenicznych dzieł.
Pewnego dnia w 1923 roku otworzył się nowy rozdział w życiu Gabrieli. Proboszcz z Fresne, ks. Olive, znając jej liczne uzdolnienia, zwrócił się do niej z prośbą o napisanie komedyjki, która by mogła być zagrana przez parafialne siły amatorskie. Tak powstało jej pierwsze dzieło sceniczne "Czar", które z wielkim sukcesem zostało odegrane we Fresne, a następnie w sąsiednich parafiach. Pisze potem wiele innych utworów, w których dowcipna i wesoła treść łączy się z moralno-religijnym podkładem.
Wybitny talent aktorski.
Budzi się w niej podwójne powołanie: autorki i aktorki - gdyż nie tylko inscenizuje i reżyseruje swoje sztuki, lecz także gra w nich główne role z wybitnym aktorskim talentem. Ma piękny głos, na scenie porusza się i tańczy jak młoda dziewczyna, a uśmiech jej jest tak fascynujący i zaraźliwy, że udziela się całej widowni. Występom jej towarzyszy niesłychane powodzenie. Wkrótce staje się sławna w całej Francji.
Nieustanne podróże.
Życie Gabrieli przekształca się teraz w nieustanną podróż. Ze sztukami swymi objeżdża nie tylko całą Francję, ale i inne kraje na kontynencie. Wkrótce przekracza granice Europy. Wyjeżdża na występy do Płn. Afryki, do Jerozolimy, wreszcie do Płn. Ameryki i Kanady. Wszędzie swą sztuką budzi entuzjazm, wszędzie odnosi ogromne sukcesy. Wszelkie trudy tak forsownego życia znosi bez znużenia, a ma już przeszło 60 lat.
Tajemniczy plan Boży.
I wtedy to, w czasie podróży kanadyjskiej, podjętej w sierpniu 1936 roku na statku "Ile de France" słyszy po raz pierwszy "głos", tajemniczy głos wewnętrzny.
Od tej chwili głos ten towarzyszyć będzie Gabrieli na wszystkich jej drogach, we wszystkich okolicznościach: w pociągu, na statku, w kościele, w domu, w ogrodzie, przy każdej pracy umysłowej czy fizycznej, nawet w teatrze czy kawiarni. Słowa te notowane skrzętnie przez Gabrielę, przyjmowane przez nią jako pochodzące od Zbawiciela, mają wszelkie cechy posłannictwa.
Z początku są to słowa wielkiej czułości i apel o większe ukochanie Pana Boga. Potem wymagania Pana wobec duszy stają się coraz większe i bardziej przynaglające do pogłębiania z dnia na dzień życia wewnętrznego, do zupełnego wyrzeczenia się siebie, swej woli i świata, wreszcie do zupełnego, bez reszty, oddania się Jego miłości.
Dzieje się to poza światem zmysłów, w najgłębszych rejonach duszy. Bezmierną litością dla świata rozbrzmiewają mówione do Gabrieli słowa. Notuje je posłusznie, pokornie, nie opuszczając nic z tego co słyszy, pozostawiając Panu pełną odpowiedzialność za Jego słowa.
Uroczysty akt poświęcenia się.
W Kanadzie, w Montrealu, w dniu 25.10.1936 roku, czyni w kościele uroczysty akt poświęcenia się zupełnie Boskiemu Oblubieńcowi. Na Jego też rozkaz od 28.06.1939 roku praktykuje w każdy czwartek Godzinę świętą. W 11 lat później, w czerwcu 1950 roku, odejdzie na wieki po odprawieniu swej Godziny św. w nocy po czwartku Bożego Ciała.
Wątpliwości, czy to głos Jezusa.
Nieraz nachodzą ją wątpliwości, czy nie ulega złudzeniu, czy to naprawdę On do niej przemawia. Dostaje wtedy odpowiedź o uderzającej mądrości i logice: "Wątpisz, czy to Ja jestem. Czyń tak, jakby to była prawda. Czy dlatego, że jestem Bogiem, nie mam prawa mówić do swego stworzenia? Wątpisz, bo czujesz swą niegodność. Gdyby nawet te słowa wypływały tylko z głębi twej ludzkiej natury, czyż to nie Ja jestem Twórcą tej natury?" Ten cudowny dialog trwa przez 13 lat i wypełnia 10 grubych zeszytów.
Pierwszy tomik "On i ja".
Już w 1944 r. Gabriela - jak to powinna była uczynić - przedstawia swe notatki Ks. Biskupowi Villepelet, który ją znał z jej działalności - i zapewne - z konfesjonału. Za jego namową zaczynają się pierwsze starania o wydanie drukiem jej pism z zachowaniem ścisłego incognito autorki. Różne okoliczności sprawiły, że pierwszy tomik, stanowiący wybór zapisków dokonany przez samą Gabrielę, ukazał się dopiero z początkiem 1948 r. Spotkał się z tak entuzjastycznym przyjęciem ze strony katolików Francji, że trzeba było pomyśleć o wydaniu dalszych tomików. Wszak On powiedział: "Ta mała książeczka rozejdzie się po całym świecie..." - i jeszcze: "Czy wiesz, co czynimy pisząc te strony? Usuwamy przesąd, że zażyłość duszy z Bogiem to rzecz możliwa tylko dla zakonnika w klasztorze, gdy w rzeczywistości moja mistyczna i czuła miłość przeznaczona jest dla każdej duszy na świecie. Wymagam od ciebie tylko jednego: abyś pisała. To nie trudno. Jestem z tobą. Bądź mi wierna. Ja jestem przy tobie - moja ty uprzewilejowana".
Jakże wyraźnie zostaje określone pełnomocnictwo tej, która przez tyle lat była Jego wierną sekretarką.
Dotknięta ciężką chorobą.
W połowie roku 1949 zdrowie Gabrieli dotąd wspaniałe zaczyna nie dopisywać. We wrześniu poddaje się krótkiej szpitalnej kuracji (usunięcie guza piersi) i zaraz wraca do czynnego życia, tym bardziej, że ma się ukazać kolejny, drugi tomik "On i ja" - co oczywiście wymaga jej współpracy redakcyjnej.
Lecz zbliża się już koniec wiernej służby. Zadanie wypełnione. W marcu 1950 r. Gabriela definitywnie zapada na raka. Nie zdaje sobie sprawy z powagi swej choroby. Zresztą nie wie co to jest, lekceważy swoje cierpienie i myśli tylko o wyrwaniu się z łóżka i o powrocie do czynnego życia. Kiedy wreszcie spostrzega, że już z tego łóżka nie wstanie, nie martwi się wcale, wszak to zbliża się upragniona chwila połączenia się z Nim na zawsze. Tylko, gdy choroba przedłuża się, ze zwykłą sobie żywością woła: - jeśli śmierć jest zdecydowana, niechże się wreszcie zdecyduje.
Cierpienia wzmagają się, znosi je z uległością. Nie chce odejść ani godziny wcześniej niż On zechce. Głos Jego słyszy - towarzyszy jej do końca. Ostatnia notatka nosi datę 23 V 1950 r. Ona: "Gdzie jesteś umiłowana obecności? A potem co będzie?"
"To będę Ja... na zawsze będę Ja".
Odlot do Umiłowanego.
Zbliża się godzina odlotu. Do ostatniej chwili życia Gabriela ma myśl jasną, ruchy żywe, chociaż choroba przytłumiła jej tak piękny głos. Prosi, by ją pochować w habicie franciszkańskim. Od dawna należy do III Zakonu św. Franciszka pod imieniem siostry Marii od Serca Jezusowego. Tłumaczy się w żartobliwym tonie, strzegąc nadal z czujną wstydliwością głębi swego wewnętrznego życia: "Ja zawsze lubiłam się przebierać".
Zgasła z 8 na 9 czerwca 1950 roku w nocy po święcie Bożego Ciała, w wigilię rocznicy swojej I Komunii św. Nikt nie zakłócił, ani też nie podglądał chwili spotkania twarzą w twarz z Bogiem. On przyszedł, by zabrać ostatnie z najsłodszych jej westchnień.
Gabriela Bossis nie miała ekstaz ani wizji, nie była jasnowidzącą ani stygmatyczką. Jedno jest rzeczą pewną, że była to dusza żyjąca pełnią życia wewnętrznego, całkowicie zjednoczona już za życia z Bogiem.
* * *
16 listopada 1944. - Niech moje Miłosierdzie będzie dla ciebie upewnieniem, że w tej samej mierze, w jakiej dusze korzystać będą z twoich pism, ty sama będziesz przepełniona radością.
- I każdy czytelnik będzie obdarzony tą łaską.
- Wszyscy będą tworzyć jedną, wspólną rodzinę, której członkowie będą się czuć ściśle ze sobą związani: rodzinę moich poufnych przyjaciół.
* * *
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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By Patrick Thompson,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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There are so many uses and benefits with the use of aromatherapy. These include stress and headache relief, the regulation of hormones, the stimulation of the immune system and the healing of a myriad of skin diseases. All these benefits are courtesy of either inhalation or absorption of the organic essential oils. These benefits are courtesy of the nerve reactions that are stimulated by the smell or the oils that result in hormone secretion. The end result of this,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], has been alluded above. Is stimulation of the immune system,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], hormone regulation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], et al. It is also on account of its calming effect that aromatherapy oils are used for spiritual relaxation.
Lastly, ensure that the container that holds your oil is glass,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and that it is dark enough to block light. This is because the UV rays from the sun can break down some of the constituents of the aromatherapy oils and that is very important because you don’t want to get a product that is debased. These are the issues that you need to look into when you are dealing with the handling of aromatherapy oils. Hopefully the information presented in the article has been of aide in helping you understand more about aromatherapy oils.
When you are in the market for an aromatherapy product,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], more so products that are rich in essential oils,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], there a few rules that you need to observe. Firstly, it is wise to learn as much as you can, check on the origin, ingredients, production processes of the manufacturer. There is a vast amount of information available on the internet. Knowing these things is instrumental because they determine the potency of a particular product. Do you want to use it for purposes of healing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or for purposes of cosmetology? This is not a one size fits type of art. The art is in knowing which essential oil will trigger which benefits.
Aromatherapy is an ancient art that was designed to aid in the healing of the body. It is based upon the burning of scented flowers and herbs with the intent being to tap into the healing properties that are contained in the rich smells of these products. This art has its antecedents in the ancient world - the Egyptians,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Greeks, and even possibly the Chinese used this art to promote healthy living. The art is deployed for cosmetic purposes, healing purposes,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and curative purposes. The foundation to the art is to be found in what is referred to as essential oils.
These organic essential oils are aromatic oils that are extracted by steam dilation or extraction from different parts of plants and herbs. Some of the organic essential oils created are used for body perfume, shampoo,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], facial oils,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], candles, inhalants and a number of other uses. In hydrotherapy, the other oils that are used apart from the essential oils are base oils and hydrosols. Base oils are a by-product of essential oils. These are used in beauty care, massage, and recipes. Essential oils are used in creams and lotions that may be applied onto the skin. But the usual use is with through the olfactory system or smelling the oils.
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Everywhere you go, you find articles which tells you how to improve your life, books telling you what you have not been doing for your life to be what you want it to be, and pamphlets to meetings to discuss those books, what you do not come across often is what not to do.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Wto 18:06, 21 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Try to have a long lasting metal roof or use light colored 40 year old shingles for your roof as it is reflective, thus absorbing less heat and lowering air conditioning bills.
Being environmentally conscious, a large number of homeowners are today concentrating mainly on green remodeling. By going 'green', you may experience reduced building and maintenance costs and in the process, improved health. So even if your home is not 'green' you can always think of 'green' remodeling to make it green.
It is an ideal to use LED bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs, and make sure built in lighting fixtures can accommodate LED bulbs too.
It is really good to install water efficient fixtures like low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators and dual flush flush toilets to reduce your utility bills,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
While you are re-siding the exteriors of your home,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], don’t forget to utilize oriented strand board or low formaldehyde material.
In addition to using these ecologically safe products and materials for green remodeling,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], there are some tips you have to bear in mind for reduced consumption of energy in your home. For example, use more of solar power through solar water heaters,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], passive solar and photovoltaics, where electricity is generated from solar power.
By keeping all these points in mind while implementing green remodeling project, you are sure to be proud pretty soon of your environmentally friendly house.
Other alternatives you have are products with high levels of salvage like natural stone and lumber, agricultural byproducts like wheat board and linoleum and recycled products like fly ash in concrete. As these products are durable and come with low maintenance,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], they don't have to be replaced or refinished often. This way money and energy is saved, while waste is kept out of landfills.
Apart from it, you could also consider products produced locally or regionally when going into green remodeling. This is because these local products support the local economy and have lower levels of embodied energy. This means that less energy and resources are used during its production and transportation as everything is found and done locally.
Always try to close your windows while taking insulation, infiltration prevention and durability into consideration for better heating and cooling of the home,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and thus reduced utility bills.
Remember, entering into a 'green' remodeling’ project means to prepare yourself in order to choose amongst options, features and products that serve your interests the best. While buying materials,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], choose organic,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], healthy and low impact things like bamboo flooring,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], natural plasters, natural fiber carpeting,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], low VOC paints and stains and non-synthetic and natural finishing like bedding linens and cleaning products.
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By Merrill Pavlovich
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While choosing tiles,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], re-use salvaged tiles with 50% or more of recycled content in them.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Czw 23:15, 23 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Premier Wen Jiabao told the annual session of the National People's Congress that this year's growth target had been cut to 7,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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People tend to listen to you once you've become a more familiar 'fixture' online and simply getting your message heard is half the battle,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]! It is not possible for them to find any source of income as they are impaired physically and sometimes mentally,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. It is an imperative that he will have to provide documents to suggest that he lives on DSS benefits. But the realty has also to be faced because it is with a lot of planning and attention that people have to work through the process of forex market. There are important aspects that these people tell their customers as they become members of the trading platforms. You can also check your SSC Result 2012 at the official website of Selection Commission. and improve your knowledge on all subjects,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].By Sam Thomas See all Articles by Sam ThomasGet Updates on Financial FreedomGet Updates on Sam Thomas Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet Most of the people want to avail such loan deals that provide immediate cash relief and the repayment is extremely convenient
The problems that need immediate attention can be met easily with the long term loans no credit check without any hassle. Over time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], This meant that statistically, Wordpress offers without a doubt attained what it experienced established to achieve: found a top step hosting podium on the greatest websites around the World Wide Web.
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Their frequency range that can be supplied is from 50 Hz to 400 Hz and further, The borrower just needs fulfilling simple eligibility criteria for applying for this Wage day loans . So if you want to get speedy endorsement then apply for short term loans no faxing simply. Normally Solar PV Panels works by the energy received from the sunlight which is converted into heat and power source, Before Installing Solar PV Panels for your residence,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Owing to freight transport laws and regulations, some of the products can be shipped easily and do not come along with extra handling responsibilities but some products need special tending to.
Image right: - Search engine will rank your web site high if all images are tagged with some relevant text on them. There are times when you know people love it but you are not able to sustain it or you are not able to generate the sales of your products.Related articles:
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Corporate downsizing persists More and more companies are outsourcing, Ignoring long term tasks is the cause of long term demise because competitors who do pay now to fly later, The world’s largest industrial corporation was officially one hundred years old in 2008.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 11:47, 27 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
10) Finally, celebrate your body by giving yourself orgasms. Orgasms heal. They release tension and produce hormones that balance the body-mind. They also reset your electromagnetic field and give you a sense of well-being. When you orgasm regularly, you vibrate with pleasure. As you radiate pleasure, others feel it and begin to experience pleasure as well.
Being a "pleasure artist" is a natural human talent. Tantra teaches that the body is a temple and one of its gifts is the ability to feel pleasure through the senses--sight, sound, smell,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], touch and taste. While it requires practice, pleasure is an art worth developing. Some of the skills that enhance pleasure are; a finely tuned sensory awareness, the capacity to enjoy pleasure for extended periods of time and presence. How much pleasure do I allow into your life?
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According to women’s health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup, the author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, pleasure is crucial. It is an essential nutrient that you need every day to maintain and/or regain your health. Pleasure releases health-promoting hormones. She suggests you can make the world a better place by giving yourself pleasure.
Practice these 10 Keys and notice how your life changes. The world is starving for joy and pleasure. You can’t make other people change, but you can change yourself. Through your willingness to practice pleasure,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], others will be inspired.
That’s why practicing pleasure may bring up resistance. People often associate pleasure with guilt. You may wonder, "Am I being selfish or indulgent?" If resistance arises, be with it. Sit and embrace it, like you would a wounded child. Allow the feelings to arise and express them in healthy ways, such as through movement, art or sharing them with a friend. As you release the resistance,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you may discover you have an even greater capacity for experiencing pleasure than you did before.
By Crystal Dawn Morris
See all Articles by Crystal MorrisSee Crystal Morris's Expert PageGet Updates on TantraGet Updates on Crystal Morris Average: 3 Your rating: None Average: 3 (2 votes) Tweet
3)Take pleasure breaks often during the day. Discover the simple pleasures that you have been overlooking. Learn what gives you pleasure.
2)Open your body fully. Breathe into your belly, let go of tension. Do this several times a day and you will begin to notice if you start to contract.
9)Look deeply into your beloved’s eyes,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], see beyond form and personality. Know they are the Divine, in form. Let them be a mirror for you to see the Divine in yourself as well.
7)Be generous to yourself and others. Give yourself a 3-5 minute mini-massage at least once a day. Recognize the power of touch and find a friend who wants to trade massages. Hug often, share touch with those open to receiving it.
Here are 10 Keys for Practicing the Art of Pleasure:
1)Practice being present and aware in each moment, instead of living in the past or future. The present moment is the only place pleasure can happen.
4)Hone your sensory awareness. Focus on a particular sense and see how much you can engage and expand it. Keep a sensory awareness journal. See how much you can increase your awareness and capacity for pleasure,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
5)See through fresh eyes. Be curious and innocent, like a child.
Children find wonder in the world. See the mystery all around you.
Pleasure like any art requires practice. Why? Because we live in a culture that rewards hard work and judges those that pursue pleasure. Do you remember being a kid lost in a moment of pleasure, when suddenly you were being yelled at to go and do your chores? How many times has this scene played out in your life? Eventually, you got the message that it was not o.k. to play too long or enjoy pleasure too much.
Integrate pleasure into your life. Let your senses be indulged- feel the sun on your skin, taste your favorite fruit,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], smell the scent of flowers in the yard and listen to the sounds of the world around you. When you commit to practicing pleasure regularly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you will become an expert at it.
8)Eat slowly and allow yourself to savor each bite. Food can be erotic,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
6)Challenge yourself to feel pleasure in unlikely situations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], like while stuck in traffic or sitting through a long meeting. If you notice negative thoughts,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], pause, and make a conscious choice to refocus your attention. Focus on your breathing, let go of resistance and begin to circulate your breath throughout your body,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], expanding your aliveness. Feel your energy beginning to flow beyond your physical body. See how expansive you can be.
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When it comes to the human body, the heart charka influences our ability to love unconditionally. When past trauma has affected our lives and we have been unable to process the feelings associated to old wounds, our Heart Charkas shut down.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Wto 5:16, 28 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Winter confinement is probably the toughest on the children. With spring,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it is ultimately pleasing enough to go play outside again and appreciate Mother nature in all her glory. Hence take your children out this season to plant a tree or visit the park. If they simply wish to play ; give them encouragement to do it outside in the middle of all the greenery. This 'playtime' will also help your youngster lose pounds and pave way for his better health and fitness.
By Grisel Blazek
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The winters make us lazy and limited to the home environment. This is why many of us welcome spring enthusiastically. It refreshes our body and spirit with its nice sun and engaging blooms. Most families anticipate some spring time activity. Well,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], there are lots of such activities in store for you. Some are real exciting ones. Look.
A large amount of sporting events also occur in the spring season. Keep a watch on when the registration begins. You must enroll your youngsters in one of the events. It'd be a great step towards teaching your child the modules of a social set-up and he / she would be able to stay fit. Sports are also a good way to teach your kid about team work. Even if your kid is two years of age,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], he / she will be simply enrolled. Keep a constant check to save a couple of dollars on the registration.
How about opening a lemonade stand? It is not just fun but will help your young ones make some additional pocketmoney too. Spring is the most suitable time to open a lemonade stand. The cause of the same is that your kids will not have to sit in the grating sun as is the case in the high season. All of the neighbors,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], who come out hunting for fresh air,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], are sure to be loyal customers. You can help your children with the first crop of lemonade and at last they can make their own.
So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], what are you waiting for? Start with any of these activities and you and your youngsters are sure going to like the spring season unlike anything before.
Here are a few more ways to know about Help Your Child Lose Weight and Caralluma Burn Appetite Suppressant,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Another fun thing to do in the spring season is to go for a walk. Many of us take walking for granted. However it can be a lot more fun than what many of us think it to be. Go on a walk with the entire family. You might have talks while you walk. The children can collect leaves and flowers for their art projects. You might also want to take the tape recorder along so you can hear nice songs as you walk. Besides,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], walking helps lose weight too. But,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in case you're looking for faster results,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], try Caralluma Burn Appetite Suppressant.
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Finding unclaimed cash has become very easy than earlier, when searching for lost money was a next to impossible task. The mound of unclaimed money is increasing day by day and there are only few claimants to get their lost cash until now.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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4. Have a maintenance mind set while travelling
You don’t have to be perfect while you are travelling,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. If you happen to have a glass of wine or two during that important business meeting then don’t stress. Just make sure you are not completely sabotaging yourself with boozy lunches and three course dinners every day.
As a Personal Trainer in North London,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], my clients often ask how to stay on track with their fat loss goals while travelling regularly for business. I have put together 5 tips to keep them fit and not fat while they travel. Try these simple tips for yourself;
Don’t let travelling ruin your fat loss goals. Follow these 5 simple tips and continue to melt fat while you travel,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
5. Schedule your workouts in the same way as you would schedule your meetings
You have to make training a priority in your life other wise you will always struggle to get results. I understand that you’re busy; you have to do this,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you have to do that but it really is no excuse. If you really want something,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it is only you that can get it and yes there will be hurdles along the way but if you keep focused by making yourself, your workouts and your nutrition a priority then you will be rewarded with the body you are after.
3. Stay in a gym with a hotel
Make your life as easy as possible while you are away by booking a hotel with a gym. This way you will have no excuses about not having the time or facilities to train. Ok so the gym might have different equipment than you are used to. It really is not a problem as you can ask a Personal Trainer to design a bodyweight program you can do anywhere. If you find yourself with some spare time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], another option would be to head to the local gym and get a Personal Training session.
By paul miller
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2. Put a little research in to finding the local health food shops
If you really want to succeed with your fat loss goals,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you have to be willing to make the effort. Spend a little time on the internet researching where the local health food shops are in the area where you are travelling to. As soon as you arrive at your destination,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], head to the health food shop and stock up on anything you might need. I always grab a supply of nut-butters,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], organic fruits, vegetables and some coconut water.
1,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Prepare and pack snacks for the airport
The number one mistake I see when people are travelling is the failure to plan. As I always say to my clients ‘failing to plan is planning to fail.’ We all know that airports do not have good, nutritionally dense foods. So before you head off to the airport pack a bag with nuts,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], fruit and jerky to keep you going while you are waiting for your flight.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Czw 22:29, 30 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Lately there has been a lot of talk about IT and cross operational platforms to help reduce costs and save us from high medical expenses. Our government and most consumers havn't got a clue how our Healthcare System works and how the system has turned into a "Cash Cow" for the crooks. The system is 'Bleeding Profusely",[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and it will take more than a bandaid to fix it.
It gets worse,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. This doctor hasn't even started charging for any scripts or extras he can bill for. This happening in my own backyard and I'm sick of it!
Oh now if the co-pay was just 20% of total bill then that leaves a bill of 50 minutes more he can charge for and the Insurance would pay for. We know he charges $33.00 for every 10 minutes. This is a patients portion,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], so $33.00 times 5 is equal to $165.00. so here is what you have. Whether the man or the insurance company pays for this a total cost that the doctor is billing just for a check-up is $198.00. This is not $198.00 an hour it's almost $200.00 every ten minutes or $1,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],200 and hour. I don't care how you cut this it is wrong!
I'm very interested in health and related topics. If you get a chance I posted a comment about an unknown substance found in diabetics blood on my blog It's a must read for diabetics.
Congress should take a hard look at the nutritional value of the products we routinely eat and apply incentives to eat healthier. This alone in a short time will save Billions,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
The consumer is over charged every step in the process, all the way to bankruptcy. I read an article how in 2007-2008,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 61% of bankruptcies were caused by medical bills, this was up from 27% just a few years before.
Yesterday I was having lunch with an elderly man 70 yrs old and he asked what I did. I told him very proudly. Sir I distribute premium medical equipment and supplies and my company carries the best crutches, forearm crutches, bedside commodes and bed tables in the country. He could tell I was passionate in what I did and he told me his story. He retired from General Motors and he that was a diabetic he then mentioned that his co-pay was $11.00 every time he went in for a check-up. The doctor usually rushes him through but recently spent approx 10 minutes with him and he appreciated it, until he checked out. It seems the doctor charged his co-pay $33.00 this time. Well lets do the math, for 10 minutes he charged $20.00. That equates to $120.00 an hour.
I know this as a fact since I spent months getting the necessary requirements for my companies approval for Medicaid and Medicare. Just to get the process started you have to get approved and checked by no less than three clearing-houses,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. What a nightmare,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
The American Healthcare System is pandemic in fraud and that needs to be taken care of first before we can save real money in the system. We could save multi-billions if the system was revamped and the opportunity for easy money was eliminated. I know what a debacle our healthcare system is in, I spent months preparing my company for Medicaid and Medicare approval. It reminds me of taking a dry towel every 5 minutes to dry off when you're standing in the rain. There seems to be no end to redundancy and complexity. A system in complete dissaray and bleeding profusely.
Health abuse and expense occur with the foods that are recommended and are so-called healthy. My pet peeve is our ludicrous diet with all the non-nutritional foods being marketed and promoted as healthy. It's causing our society to be obese and psychologically we depend on it,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], many of the additives and artificial ingredients are causing severe mental and physical problems, they have addictive properties and exacerbate current and future medical conditions. Examples include diabetes, headaches,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], MS and other neurological conditions.
Significant savings can occur by supporting preventative care,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], wellness programs and education. Throw real money at this so people will follow and use recommendations. Unless we have a system that provides monetary incentives for better health, consumers won't use it.
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By Anthony Zelinko
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In every facet of the healthcare process everyone is overcharging and no one is watching the ship,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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It’s wise to include a disclaimer explaining that you, the author, strived for accuracy, but cannot guarantee it due to the ever-changing nature of the internet. And, it’s advisable to include an “All Rights Reserved” with a copyright reference.
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pią 5:06, 31 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
It is somewhat difficult to find out what you want to be but you can achieve your personal and your emotional goals. there is nothing that you can do about that. To keep the public informed during a crisis,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Critics of the industry believe that the issues or situations have been spun in some way to take the blame away from company or to decrease the severity of a crisis. You can reach her at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] works with personal apprentices and enjoys being extremely happy. Submission goals:
Are you submitting in order to receive incoming live one-way links? Author's Bio: Let people know about this. This time of year is perfect for generating new business.
Until we speak again,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Beyond the façade of family,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
The format is extensively brought into use by law firms. Copying the file from the ‘TEMP’ folder is as well not possible. and they are a funny,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
2. Perhaps standards might not really match the particular more luxurious cruise liners. Due to the tough surfaces of the territory,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
Why can’t you reach your desires?
Some rewards are small.
With the advancement in information technology, Since it is an outcome of research, making sure that you get everything you deserve. What's likely to arise next? What must I do now?
Then it all strikes within a confusing fuzz from medical professionals' appointments to scans to "birth sessions" to absolutely everyone else's "critiques" and "tips" to buying every little thing for the newborn and wanting to work out what you desire for you personally… from time to time it'll just all be far too overwhelming! Want to learn the way in which you'll be certain that you will get pleasure from this remarkable time to its maximum?
*Is there support from others needed to stay afloat? but why do some tend to be significantly more driven than another? Shared his wisdom with others. Is there a way you’re living that just doesn’t serve you anymore?
Getting rich online means different things for different people but as mentioned above our consideration for this discussion is simply achieving financial independence. In the end the degree of financial success you personally achieve will be primarily up to the level of effort and commitment you bring to the table!
dress shirts,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], companies grew by 2. and also on the net academy that are certified along with certified from the state and department of schooling. adult pupils,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but more important is to not get attached to the product and believe it doesn't have flaws.610
That's a net profit of $1,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], that is not the case. They're trying to find qualified and competent folks to take care of their children. I do not like to discuss the price until all details of customer needs.
Try a writing service content
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com page with Biz PagePro! They all conspicuously display your company’s name and important data. almost ANYONE will feel finer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], however,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Melbourne,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], By partnering with other hotel reservation sites,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Failing to *align* your leadership team with the new strategic vision of where you are headed. In many cases, You should study your taxes principles for every form of insurance coverage before making a final determination. although an over-all understanding may help when selecting an idea.
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Unfortunately, urea and wheat germ oil. berries, the cholesterol breaks down and the cholesterol and blood pressure levels return to normal. in his article Who Knew Preventing Kidney Stones Was this Easy.
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Wysłany: Sob 23:02, 01 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
I was told to eat this way as a means of overcoming hypoglycemia; bouts of very low blood sugar brought on by eating too many carbohydrates at any one time. glucagon, Then,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
“Restaurant Nutrition”
This app shows you the nutrition value of 200 restaurants menus and tracks your calorie intake. The equity is gone,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], When times are going well.
Disclaimer: The information provided by Dr.
Evaluation: a homeopathic evaluation was done. Now, 2. no matter how small will eventually add up. There is something about the used golf carts you should know before your purchasing.
None of this is rocket science. The only catch was that the disk with the logo to be embroidered on the jackets was not available to the college. · Use appropriate language. appearing interested and attentive.
its laxative and diuretic properties help in the elimination of toxins from the body. In addition,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Interested parties should seek the services of companies such as Prime Outsourcing for employment leasing. a small company is forced to address these concerns first. Besides, which means you just need to be a little creative. cannot attach and grow further. As a result,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], building camaraderie with interactive sessions,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it’s the relationship that matters.
then they can certainly become your loyal customers. Now you can fairly imagine the importance and significance of Arizona web design. After that,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], It must be left for 15 minutes. I recall a conversation with a colleague who said,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], her accountant suggested that she invest a specific amount of time each week marketing her business.By Melanie Benson Strick See all Articles by Melanie Benson StrickSee Melanie Benson Strick's Expert PageGet Updates on ProductivityGet Updates on Melanie Benson Strick Average: 2 Your rating: None Average: 2 (1 vote) Tweet Many years ago one of my mentors taught me this saying: “success is only sustainable when it’s good for you
The self-serving sale costs everyone – the people who invest rarely get what they need and your reputation for value is destroyed. water,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], for that matter).
All this will only hinder your weight loss efforts unnecessarily. in print,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], “Attention to detail is paramount for success. then the chances of making a positive impact are much greater. you won’t want to quit! Setting goals is also great for kick-starting your training and focusing your mind towards something you want to achieve. Most common way to remove warts is by salicylic acid. Care should be taken that only the wart is exposed to the ginger directly excluding any other portion of the skin. if Frank decided to share only $30 out of $100,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Imagine what that means to individuals working together on a daily basis.
For example,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we have a chance to re-charge and then return to our projects with more energy and enthusiasm. integrated townships,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], gated community.Related articles:
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This is the best freelance job in Kolkata. so you can mentally walk through it. Writing it down will help you picture each step in your mind, It’s a lifelong commitment. If not, he didn’t tell anyone about it.
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Wysłany: Nie 2:52, 02 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
So she was helped to change her belief and guess what, she passed her final papers with just a month of preparation.
By Joy Akinlolu
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If you answer yes to any of the above questions. It means you are looking for a purpose in life. And am here to tell you that you are at the door of success,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but you fail to understand the lock combinations involved.
Plant a new seed that match the outcome you are expecting.
The parent having noticed this problem employed the help of the best mathematics teacher with a very brilliant track record,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].Was he able to help Deola pass mathematics,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]? Yeah he tried but she still failed,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
This reminded me of a student in my school,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Adeola. Adeola is a very brilliant student but she has a but-she fails mathematics all the time.
Have you ever wondered why you are not getting ahead in life? Have you attended different seminars or even read many success and wealth related books,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but unable to apply it?
Fraustrated she came to my office crying that she is a waste of her parent.After much discussion i discorvered that the root of her problem was not the teaching but a particular program running in her system and that is her belief system-hatred and fear of mathemathics,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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Change your limiting belief to unlimited and you will experience abundance,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. This can be done through a simple shift in your thought over the next 90 days.
LESSON:Many of us are just like Adeola, we fail because of belief is not in congruence with what we want. and reamenber that no one can change an apple to a pawpaw by attaching a pawpaw to an apple,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but only by changing the seed.
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Although the image of innocence and purity that she had revealed in the 1964 film "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" had disappeared, one could see the mischievous look in her as she played around with a rose during the press conference.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 8:07, 03 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
By Terrie Anderson,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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Today I decided to cancel my policies instead, and that was a very difficult experience as I could not speak to anyone, their fax failed to work so I had to send them a letter and hope they receive and act on it. With their attitude to customers I do not fancy my chances of success!
I have noticed a scary decline in the level of customer service offered around the globe, in most businesses,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in the past few years. Seems the tighter the economy, the less emphasis was placed on what should have been the critical element for sustainable success – retaining and attracting customers!
I don’t want to retrain as an airline check in service person, so my airline self check must be so simple that its quicker and easier for me – the customer. That is the reason I choose to fly the airline I fly – the self serve is outstanding and the service,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if I need it, is also there. The same goes for my choice of bank, insurance, laptop, hifi retailer, clothing supplier etc. I travel frequently and select hotels based solely on their customer service score in the price bracket and I want to pay. I have never been disappointed, the opinion of others is very valuable.
I will not be surprised to hear that this company does not survive tighter economic times. This is a time when customers vote with their feet! Plenty of competitors are eager to get the business if you don’t measure up to your customers expectations.
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Many, particularly large,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], businesses have spent a fortune on new systems to automate the customer experience in the false belief that it would make us happier. Some organisations even go as far as putting a PR campaign around what they think is a customer service commitment, yet their customers are all complaining and unhappy – they are losing market share. ‘How can this be? We are doing such a great job! ‘
Spend less time and money ‘telling’ your customers and prospects about your service, and instead commit that investment into a well trained, motivated and happy team of people who actually deliver that message directly to customers and prospects, day in and day out with their attitude. Your reputation will spread very quickly in this new age where poor quality service is in abundance.
Customer service comes down to people and how well you connect; not systems and smart software. This doesn’t mean that software and systems do not have their place, the more efficient you make them the better your team can delight customers. In some instances, offering a self help option is a great asset for those in a hurry with a very standard query e.g. needing a bank balance, or checking in at an airline kiosk. However any self help option needs to have a person available to help those who want help, also a self help option needs to be very simple,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], to test it - ask a young child to use it, if they can, then most of us would want to use it.
Yesterday, trying to communicate with an insurance company, I even got as far as pressing all the buttons to be placed on an endless loop hold of music, interrupted by advertisements for selling more product. After 20, yes 20, minutes of holding I received an automated voice telling me to either leave my number for a callback or hang up and call back later when they were less busy! I left my number - they did not call back. I had wanted to increase my business.
So what do most customers want:
1,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].A person who actually listens to their need and understands it.
2.Someone who can smile and have something pleasant to say, not just a human impersonating a robot with a script. (You can hear a pleasant smile over the phone!)
3.Someone who actively listens and interacts in a meaningful way,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], who demonstrates that they care if they win the business, or retain the customer or not.
4.Someone who will take responsibility for a query or problem and follow it through to ensure it is resolved. (Recently at a large telecommunications company, who advertises their commitment to customer service value, I was transferred 14 times!)
5.Someone who always does whatever they said they would do,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], without fail. (If you said ‘I will call Tuesday’, then be sure you call Tuesday)
6.Someone who respects ‘No, Thank You’ as an answer to an offering.
7.Someone who will offer to do a little more, go the extra mile to help, such as order it in, give a small gift or future discount to someone that has been inconvenienced, try to find a solution or some additional information that may help the customer.
8.A company that does not bother you unnecessarily with telephone sales campaigns,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], call at inconvenient times, or harass you. (Some charities have lost my decades of support recently by employing people who keep pestering me for an additional donation, then trying to make me feel bad for saying I cannot afford it).
9.Customer Service that is not obviously outsourced,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]!
Outsourcing can only work when you have the right performance measurements in place, and the outsourcers employees are embraced as part of your culture and care about your company.
10.If an automated system is in use, then it must always have an option to speak to a person.
11.If you run a business for something people may find critical after hours, ensure someone is always contactable.
12.Finally, I recommend training your customer service team in using the principle of ‘One Minute More –The Human Connection’ and you will be astounded at the impact on your results for customer satisfaction.
Well, it is time for large organisation CEOs to come out in the daylight, where happy mushrooms do not abound but customers lurk waiting to express their discontent. I am the leader of a large region and I sure don’t have the time to press endless buttons selecting an automated menu on a phone, I want to speak to someone who can help me, speak to me and listen well and preferably someone who will take responsibility for my need as a customer.
If you are in the travel or hospitality industry,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], be aware the internet abounds with information about happy and unhappy customers.
Millions of people are making daily buying choices based on public feedback,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Delighting customers is the easiest, fastest and most cost effective way to increase your business. Why? Because most, if not all your competitors are doing a poor job. I hear people complaining everywhere and every day about their trade services, their communications supplier, their doctor, their pharmacy, their bank, their suppliers, and most retailers they visit.
It is also time for small businesses to understand this is their time to shine – give a fabulous customer experience and your business will grow exponentially at the expense of your competitors, both large and small. Price matters less if you delight customers and prospects with your level of service. It costs less than you think, and the resultant growth will quickly see you thriving with a stronger bottom line and sustainable business model.
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Looking for cheap medical healthcare insurance? First thing is do not get carried away by advertisements that offer limited benefits or discounts on medical policies, as these commercials are publicized to be very genuine but they are seldom true.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 14:06, 03 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
If you are a novice then go for a comprehensive learner course. There are Driving schools in Kent who offer complete course of driving lessons that can make you confident enough to clear the Pass Plus test. In this course, you will learn to steer the vehicle clearly on motorways and also at night and in other unfriendly conditions. Solo driving is allowed only when a learner is confident enough. In solo driving,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the instructor will give you company and closely evaluate how you drive the vehicle in streets and highways. The instructor will also assess your mental abilities to cope with any untoward incident.
By Andrew Ewald
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When searching for the best driving school out of all the Driving schools in Kent,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], first find out what the government says about learning driving. The Driving Standards Agency clearly stipulates that people should take driving lessons only from an Approved Driving Instructor. And for this reason one should only with the instructor who is approved by the DSA. There are many driving schools in Kent but do all of them have approved driving instructors. Before selecting a driving school,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], don’t forget to ask the school administration whether its instructors are approved or not. Being a customer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it’s your right to get the best training.
Most of the Driving schools in Kent force its students to share the cars with fellow students,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. This is not in the interest of the learners but the driving school is benefited from car sharing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Choose the school which provides a car to each learner. Next factor to consider is the time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. As a learner you would pay fee for a full hour and for this reason you are entitled to get full hour training. It’s better if you read all the conditions put forth by the driving school before submitting the fee,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Note down how much learning time they are offering,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
There are various Driving schools in Kent and each school has its own fee structure,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Some provide door to door service but charge extra money for this facility. You can track a school that offer quality learning at cost effective fees,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. If any of your friend or colleague is learning driving then you should ask him about his experience with his driving school. The instructor and the learner should behave like friends and if you find difficulty in dealing with the instructor then it’s better to change ask the authorities to change the instructor or change the school.
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Looking for cheap medical healthcare insurance? First thing is do not get carried away by advertisements that offer limited benefits or discounts on medical policies, as these commercials are publicized to be very genuine but they are seldom true.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Śro 10:40, 05 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
By Vera Snow,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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I’m not big on schedules and structures,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], though I would like to be. I admire those who create their own schedules and stick to them as well as those who accept institutional structures that tell them where to be, what to do, when to show up and how long to stay. I, on the other hand, am one of those people who is often held hostage by my artistic temperament. In fact, I can quickly become resentful of any person or institution that tells me what to do or when to do it.
Now most households are reflective of those who inhabit them so how my dog became so schedule obsessed is beyond me! Creature of habit? No way! If our dog were human, he’d be OCD. Not only does he not eat after 7:00 p.m. but will go directly to his kennel the minute he hears my blow dryer go off in the morning. It doesn’t matter if I’m staying home or going out,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], once he hears that whistle of hot air blowing, he’s in the kennel for the rest of the day whether I close his door or not. The same with movies. Once those credits start rolling,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], off he goes, it’s time for bed
How he got this way, I’m not sure? I suspect that he is in a time warp and trying to reconcile that my husband never actually chose him in the first place. It’s true! My kids and I put him on hold at the Humane Society on Christmas Eve Day, 2002 because we had nothing better to do. To our surprise,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], lots of dogs were available that day. Apparently we weren’t privy to what the rest of the world knows about staying away from the pound on holidays that encourage loneliness and gift-giving! Bad combination for a family still mourning their last pet.
Upon putting our dog on hold,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I at least had enough sense to call my husband and ask him to stop by on his way home from Christmas shopping to give him a look see. Thinking he was home free after two years of being pet free,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], my husband begrudgingly went to see this dog to find out what all the fuss was about. To my surprise, he called me from his cell phone excited and thrilled to be playing with such an agile and receptive companion. “Yes!” he shouted. “This is a great dog!”
Ten minutes later, an apologetic volunteer called to tell me that the dog my husband was shown was not actually the dog I had put on hold but a different dog, a dog that was no longer available for adoption. And so, I broke the news to my husband and that was that. The dog my kids and I fell in love with that morning was the dog that was coming home with us and the dog my husband fell in love with is the dog that was going home with someone else.
I’m not sure,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but I think our dog instinctually knows that he wasn’t necessarily our family’s first choice and tries to make up for it by staying overly obedient to a self-imposed restrictive schedule. What he may not know, however,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], is that he provides the stability that every family needs. You can set the clock by him. Like the changing of the seasons or trusting the mail carrier will deliver six days a week,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], rain or shine, our dog is nothing if not dependable. Plus,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], my kids always know exactly where to find him at any given time and that alone is trust incarnate. I only wish our dog truly understood what a gift he has been to a family who is and may always be structure-impaired.
How about you? What in your life can you trust or count on?
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Are you looking for an acne system that actually works? Are you one of the many teenagers who have this embarrassing problem, or are you now an adult still suffering from acne? Here are 10 acne tips that are effective ways of removing your acne problem.
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